Today was an interesting day. The key part of this day was the moment I came across this guy who has that “I trade online” persona. Very loud. Very confident in his step. He came to us (I was standing with a fellow friend of mine) and he greeted my friend. So, at first, my friend did not recognise this guy and quite abruptly shoved him away. This is what stood out to me.
This guy that greeted my friend began to become very defensive. Clearly his ego was shot by my friend who did not recognise this guy who elders pass and greet. Some elders even take off their hats to honour this surprisingly successful person. As he kept trying to defend his ego, it came to me that I have met with this guy before. At that time, even though he was still loud, he carried with him an air of nobility and integrity. I remember he looked at me and told me that I am destined for something great in life. Mind you, I had just began working as a Trainee Junior Manager at Spur. So, it was really something that hit home when he said it. Also, this guy is considerably young yet he was driving an Audi RS4. Clearly, the message was clear. However, it wasn’t the same person I met 2 years ago.
He spent the whole 30 minutes or so talking how he has attained levels that only a few dream of. Levels that not many can reach yet he is belittled by a former high school mate who doesn’t even own a car. It was clear to me that to this guy, his ego was important. He lacked the humility of big minded millionaires who do not get their egos easily bruised. I found it baffling how this guy spoke about lifting up the community yet in the same breath bragged about his wealth. It is something in which I fail to understand. Is it because I’m still on my road to riches and haven’t yet encounter those problems? Those “respect I’m on a higher social echelon” problems? Because we can not escape that fact. We can escape we live in a class society in which money is the leveller of these classes.
On my way to QwaQwa, in the bus, there was a man who was seated across from me. The odour that emitted from him was from another world. It was a strong dose of hot sun and “I last had a good bath when I was young.” Yes, I have reason to believe the man was homeless and that the bus driver was doing him a favour to journey him safely to his destination. Again, this was a case in which the social class systematic programming on people began to take hold. Those who boarded the bus, smelling decent and probably have a low skill job post yet believe they are the CEO, began complaining and clearly telling this guy that he is destroying the bus with his awful smell. Yes, the smell was repulsive but few on the bus (those who you see were once homeless or you see they know what poverty can do to a person), they accepted the man in the bus. Yes, they kept their distance but you can see they had that acceptance that we are travelling with a homeless person who is in the pits of the lowest pits on Earth.
I once had the opportunity to meet Dr. Rakometsi and a man called Terry who is incredibly wealthy in construction. These two men are cognisant of their success and can not help but extrude a force field in which when you enter it, you feel you are in the presence of someone great. Yet they are more down to the Earth than the ladies who board the bus and think they call the shots. They are on levels that most people wish to one day operate in yet they not boastful about how they on these levels. Truly, it is something I find to be of a great mystery. Yes, to some extent there are those high up the class hierarchy with bruised heads as big as melons and yes, they make a point that people see their bruised heads yet you find others who are at those levels yet they are the humblest. Through them I understand what Jesus meant when He said that we should reserve the high seat for the honoured guest lest you be removed to a lower a seat.
I have come to realise that as a people, we hunger for recognition. We find pop up investors claiming to have found a code to crack the stock markets and you find ladies out of where giving presentations about Bitcoin and how that will make you rich! Yet, the energies they giving off is not of a millionaire nor is it of someone who knows about wealth creation. We are so hungry to have a presence among people that we no longer see when we selling ourselves as fools around the very same people we want to have a presence. We sometimes taste a bit of success and suddenly believe that we on top on this world. Yet not seeing that the so-called success is the entry point. It’s the doorway leading to the true success on the other side. Yes, I myself I am on that road to riches. But, success has a certain frequency that you can feel. A frequency that if you seeking to tune into, you can feel when you vibing along off frequencies. You can feel it in your entire system when you enter false, replica frequencies that emulate success. On this day, I realised the importance of wiring your mind to the frequency. The right mindset to avoid being a small-minded millionaire. Because with the small mind, you will not be able to grow to higher heights. In fact, with a small mind, you simply will not see the Promised Land because your mind will be enclosed by your fragment of what you call success.