Subtle beauty that creeps into a man’s soul. Somehow, like the gold of your skin, you are created for the gods. Seems God was flaunting when He made you. He commanded the light to be present and placed the stars at their place as an afterthought. Yet with you, He took his time. The true form of beauty. The rays of the setting sun as they break the horizon, reflect the contours of your body. The blossoming of roses in the spring emulate your lips when you smile. The glare of polished diamonds try to capture the luminance of our eyes. God made you the blueprint of all His creations.
A beautiful woman you are. A thousand years can be spent admiring the beauty that is you and it would be a life well spent. A thousand years can be spent seeking to find words to translate your beauty to words and it would be a life well spent. The kind of beauty that only royalty can touch. You are not human. No my Dear, you are a goddess.
A simple man I am and yet I find myself lost in your beauty. Encaptivated by your charm, enthralled by your wit. A simple man I am seeking to find the words to describe the perfection that is you. God was flaunting when He made you. Through you, His works are true. For no man could ever create such perfection.
A simple wordsmith I am and yet words allude me in describing you. Who I am to rewrite that which God Himself has written? Written in gold skin? Written in luscious lips? Written in voluptuous hips? Written in legs that stand tall like obelisks of temples? Who am I to rewrite what God Himself has written to be perfect in every form conceivable?
I am a simple man trying to describing the beauty of an African Woman. I am a simple man trying to translate the beauty of the gods into a language understood by man. I am a simple man infatuated by the swerve of the African Woman’s silhouette under the night sky.
A goddess among humans, I am a simple man enchanted by the beauty of God’s perfect creation.