Focus: What Bruce Lee attributes to being a warrior. The ability to focus is probably the second most fundamental attribute that plays a key factor in one’s pursuit for success.
The first attribute must be the desire to win itself. The desire to lose weight will make it comfortable to wake up in the early hours of the winter to run. The desire to build muscle will make it comfortable to go to a friend’s back yard gym and hold that cold bar to build the muscle desired. The burning desire is highlighted in Think and Grow Rich and in The Richest Man in Babylon as the first fundamental starting point for one to attain success.
The second attribute must be focus. The reason is based on the law that states what the mind thinks about, that is what you will attract. Ever lost a set of keys or misplaced a phone? The focus to find it becomes very heightened. The mind begins to create mental images of where it could possibly be. The mind continues to create these images and naturally, the seeker seeks the lost items where the mind suggests the items are. When the burning desire burns strongly, the seeker will not stop seeking the lost set of keys or phone until it’s found. With persistent effort, one will find those keys.
The same applies to the desires that burn within us. Whether those desires be more wealth, more influence or to better manage one’s weight, the moment the mind begins to focus on that desire, the mind begins to create mental images how to attain the desire. The moment one seeks more wealth, the mind will open up to more business TV shows and one’s timelines will be filled with more entrepreneurs and people pursuing wealth. The same applies to the person seeking to lose weight. They will begin to see more Instagram fitness models and notice more people drinking USN supplements or Herbalife weight management aids. The mind begins to seek ways to attain the burning desire that is consuming it.
There is where focus comes into play. The easiest way to understand the power of focus is observing the power of focus in a camera. When the camera is out of focus, the image is very blurry. When the camera is focused on a subject, the part in which the camera is focused on is clear and everything around it is blurry. This is metaphoric for the same focus of the mind. When one is focused on weight management, everything else becomes blurry. One becomes obsessed with going to the gym. They seek better diet plans to fuel their body. They are consumed by the burning desire to effectively manage their weight. And if they are persistent enough, they will fulfil their desire.
However, if one is out of focus, the desire will not be fulfilled. If one desires to lose weight but their focus is blurred with one too many cheat meals they’ll not fulfil their desire. The blur in the mind is more complex than that of a camera. An area to see when the mind is out of focus is with celebrities and those with who achieve major success. The ones who remain focused, the fame and fortune don’t hinder their success. They remain at the top of their game and attain even higher levels of success in their field of profession. The ones who lose focus, are the ones that fall from grace. They get entangled in drug-rings, scandals and lose their fame and fortune faster than they got it.
A blurry mind, a mind out of focus cannot shot straight. A mind out of focus shots aimlessly and hopes for the best. A mind in-focus shots with a clear vision and evidently becomes the best. A focused mind is a disciplined mind. A focused mind is the adhesive that ties in all the other attributes of success together. I write with confidence about weight loss because, with a focused mind, I moved from 100kg to 75kg little under a year. This process could have been quicker had I not lost focus middle of the way. The consistency to work out even in the cold winter of Harrismith has taught me the powers of being focused.
The ability to focus is indeed a superpower that allows the average person to be a warrior. Focus, together with faith, unlocks a supernatural power within a person that makes all things possible. The burning desire to succeed is the first step. Focus, tuning your mind to fulfil the desire, is without the second most important step for those wishing to succeed in life.